Tuesday 3 December 2019


Other Games Heroes of the Storm. On July 02 In both TvP and ZvP, discussions seem to boil down to how binary either matchup feels. Not only does Protoss have a high number of tech options, they also have many of variations of Immortal all-ins that require different responses. CranKy Events S5 20…. starcraft 2 patch 1.0.2

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Patch notes after the cut.

We receive a lot of feedback on why TvP is perceived to favor Protoss in the late game, and a constant throughout is the raw direct strength of the late-game Protoss army. Need second opinions Mar….

starcraft 2 patch 1.0.2

At the same time, however, the most recent offline Korean leagues have seen unusually high Protoss representation. ZvP can point to, uh, what?

In PvT in particular, we also have concerns that this change could further push Protoss towards the already very popular Robotics Bay openers. No further details were given so we will have to wait and see.

Worked for me just now. It needs testing because it's extreme but I think it's for the best.

Community Update - July 2,

Buried Caverns Moved various bases farther apart from one another to prevent workers from mining at the incorrect base. This patch was released a couple of days ago and it fixed just a couple of technical issues. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Starcrafh Prisms no longer start with the Warp Conduit passive ability and warp-ins will take 11 seconds when not near a Warp Gate or Nexus, up from 4.

Fixed an issue where Widow Mines could be hidden behind certain doodads.

Community Update - July 2, 2019

Zerg whining needs a huge, huge nerf. Adjusted doodads to prevent units from hiding within. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.

Blizzard listens, but expect them to give us something that works both for them and the players.

starcraft 2 patch 1.0.2

DH Open Rotterdam Removed various light flash effects at bases. I wish they would reduce warp prism's pick up range though. While this does not mean that LAN functionality got a green light, Blizzard knows that pro tournaments kept the first game alive for 12 years and possible more, so they will be giving sttarcraft a compromise.

I agree too with the state of ZvP being P favoured a lot.

StarCraft II 4.10.2 Patch Notes

China 1.0. Championship Season 2. Is this a bug? Rather, what we find more concerning and what we are focusing on for our next update is how players view and talk about the Protoss matchups. The Pizza Pie I think we are going to need popcorn after this post. Thank god they finally realize defender advantage is non existent in ZvP.

starcraft 2 patch 1.0.2

Jungle Depths LE Adjusted mineral layouts at a base to allow for optimal town hall placement. The Gravitic Drive upgrade now sfarcraft the additional functionality of granting Warp Prisms the Warp Conduit passive ability, reducing warp-in time from 11 to 4.

StarCraft II - Patch

Expanded Reaper paths such that they now require more than one structure to wall off. Not only does Protoss have a high number of tech options, they also have many of variations of Immortal all-ins that starcrsft different responses.

August 6, Categories: Our decision to try this change out as an upgrade instead of a baked-in improvement stems from not wanting to starcrart the strength of 3-base Terran all-ins in TvP or Templar-based mid games. We wish you all the best on your journeys through the embattled Koprulu Sector!

Nexus Strategic Recall cooldown increased from 85 to seconds.

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