Monday, 25 November 2019


The tool itself is quite nice -though it still crashes sometimes over here- and can be proven useful in many situations. It features auto code completion along with keyword and object filling, in addition to an advanced SQL query editor and script building. Notify me of new posts via email. Pangolin is a penetration testing, SQL Injection test tool on database security. It finds SQL Injection vulnerabitlities. Ididnt get a chance to check out the tools as yet.. Added support for exporting data by excel templates Read the full changelog. bsql

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There are a lot of other SQL injection tools out there but sqlninja, instead of extracting the data, focuses on getting an interactive shell on the remote DB server beql using it as a foothold in the target network. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Yami King September 30, at 5: Also, you can write your own attack template for any other database as well see the bssl for details.

Added support for exporting data by excel templates Read the full changelog.


You are commenting using your WordPress. Also, you can comment lines and blocks, display the output view to analyze log details, as well as enable or disable auto-completion for tables, views, fields, databases, procedures, snippets, bssql or keywords.

SpikyHead October 2, at 2: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Furthermore, you can test connection before applying settings to make sure everything is operational. Click to load comments. Especially the template functionality is timeless, not only for novices, but also for many people just trying to be productive.

Notify me of new comments via email. Email required Address never made public.


It finds SQL Injection vulnerabitlities. September 23, 49, views. Pangolin is a penetration testing, SQL Injection test tool on database security.


You are commenting using your Facebook account. Yami King October 2, at Ididnt get a chance to check out the tools as yet. There's also a fully featured report designer with selection, hand, zoom, text edit, format copy, band insert, text object, picture object, subreport object, system text and drawing tools available.

BSQL - What does BSQL stand for? The Free Dictionary

This site uses cookies. But my comment was especially aimed at the fact that there are still a lot of web vsql vulnerable to SQL Injections, while it is one of the most documented attack around, and this should not be the case. It features auto code completion along with keyword and object filling, in addition to an advanced SQL query editor and script building. SpikyHead You are correct about the fact that these tools can still be useful and even necessary for security consultants and auditers.

The application is capable of remembering your password so you can quickly log in next sessions. SpikyHead October 3, at 7: You can leave bsal responseor trackback from your own site.

July 11, Shareware. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Yami King I got that now.

BSQL Hacker Download – Automated SQL Injection Tool

Yami I disagree, such tools are still very much needed. Notify me of new posts via email. Additionally, you can customize the gsql, restrict search operations to tables, columns, indexes, relations, triggers, perform a full text search, extract the database, export by template, as bsal as create, drop, select, insert, update and delete scripts. Besides customizing the font, you can convert selected text to lowercase or uppercase, change text color, add catalogs, and find and replace items.

This entry was posted on February 15, at 4:

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