Monday, 25 November 2019


I have a 64bit version of that driver. Did you start the installation by running an. Each of the 4 installations worked for me then. An MsiDriverPackages custom table , in which each row specifies information about a driver package. Navigate to the location of the updated drivers from the Drivers Library C: difxapp.dll

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Thanks in advance, Norbert. First, we need to see the log to see what caused the error above. Now you can answer the error message and let the installation clean up after itself.

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: It contains some self-registering 32bit DLLs. Post as a guest Name.

Add an entry, which represents a driver packageto Programs and Features in Control Panel. I'm using AI 8.


The solution would be to make two separate packages for bit and on the bit one, include the bit version of your driver. Advanced Installer only supports separate. I got updated files DIFxApp.


For more information, see Updating Versions. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for difxpp.dll and your coworkers to find and share information. Asked 7 years, 9 months ago.

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Each of the 4 installations worked for me then. Twitter Updates follow me on Twitter. Preinstall driver packages for devices that are not yet connected to a computer. Now the path to the reference will be determined by state of the Platform variable.

Office Office Exchange Server. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. Driver installation in mixed cifxapp.dll worked. A deferred-execution custom action that installs a driver package. Unfortunately, bit drivers cannot be installed on bit systems. Using this to store interesting items for later review.


INF file did the trick, thank you Invoking divxapp.dll custom action. Select the Binary table on the left. We want the files that were extracted.

Mark's Stuff: Fixing Error on MSI installs

So first we need to have Windows Installer log its steps so the we can dirxapp.dll what caused the error. But this does not seem to be a widespread problem, and I am still not sure why my system does this and not many others. How do we handle problem users? Hope it helps others with the same requirement. Save the MSI file. Should Dkfxapp.dll do anything manually? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

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