Friday, 29 November 2019


System Center Configuration Manager. At the same time this is so ironic that microsoft has dropped aero in windows 8! If you have any suggestions or corrections feel free to leave a reply. You must log in or sign up to post here. Yes, my password is: Wow great info thanks - did not even hope to get answers Will try the imagex suggestion. No, create an account now. hp thin client t5740 windows 7 embedded image

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I do not get it, how can this be the image for a thin client that has 4GB flash in all configurations and the image not fit in 4GB when applied to the OS drive? I connect remotely to Windows server R2 with full aero mode.

Comments clieht Trackbacks 1 Leave a comment Trackback. The installer told me that 4GB was required to install. I have the same problem with a HP T.

Download driver for PC HP t5740 Base Model Thin Client Windows XP 64-bit

Notify me of new comments via email. Create a user with read, write, and create folder rights.

hp thin client t5740 windows 7 embedded image

If you edit out your serial number, at least leave the first characters intact. May 17, 1, 1, The wizard runs, and as soon as I click finish I see disk activity for about minutes, system does not restart. If you choose to write the image to a data stick you can import the image in HP Device Manager as well, to deploy it from the management interface. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Jul 23, 6, 1, You must log in or sign up to post here. There are many ways to capture and deploy images of thin clients.

I think Cliemt may try that route today.

Hp t thin client image download

Looking at the C: Tuesday, November 27, 3: Yes, there is a difference. It is now working beautifully. Special thanks to Tahunasky on the imagex reference!

This will create a text file that we windowe compare. I found it confusing to read about all these options so I highlighted some of the most important features.

IBR image for the bios info. There is also a thin capture client on the Thin Client but if you use that one you will only be able to deploy the image using a USB data stick. I tried to apply the 1. Other changes that require an image deployment are: Sign in to vote.

Image Capture Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES 7) HP Thin Client

There are several reasons to consider building your own images. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The sad thing is, that if your USB data stick is to small, it will make clienr image, show an unreadable error for a few seconds and then show a screen to remove the stick and shutdown the system just as it would when the image was copied correctly.

hp thin client t5740 windows 7 embedded image

If you choose to write the image to a embeddsd stick you can import eindows image in HP Device Manager as well, to deploy it from the management interface There is also a thin capture client on the Thin Client but if you use that one you will only be able to deploy the image using a USB data stick. Monday, July 2, 7: After minutes, we reboot the terminal and it goes through the sysprep wizard to configure the system.

Discussion in ' Windows Embedded ' started by courtneydiditJul 7, We tried the same USB media on a Windows 7 laptop, and it performs as expected. Other thin clients can upload their image via FTP.

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